Tuesday 31 July 2012

i'm okay:)

assalamualaikum dan selamat berbuka puasa kalian:) harini sudah 11 hari kita berpuasa ye.. kenapa tibe2 sedih. oh. mungkin sebab menangis. kenapa menangis? sbb.. hemmm, takde pelah.. mak, saya rindu nk makan dengan mak tiap2 petang.mak selalu ajak saya berjalan dan belanja saya. sbb mak pun tak suke duduk rumah. smpai kadang2 saya rasa serabut sbb tiap2 petang wajib minum petang dekat kedai dan mesti keluar bersiar2. just hope that one find day he knows what i feel. miss u:)

Wednesday 25 July 2012


tak tahu . and i'm still confusing. at the same time now i know i'm too weird. pulling and playing my hair around while me and myself don't  know what suppose i write here. since sheraw n ema , the best craziest evil , hahaha is busy playing with their own stuff. amy, the big boss of evil(hahaha) mybe sleep outside . heem, never mind. just mind my fucking own matter is too enough rather than interfere others. DONE! to be honest, i miss em too much,(mak ayah, rara, and oby) i could not stop this feeling because of this, my blog title today is expression, maybe. miss my gemuk too( as usual)..

Sunday 22 July 2012

senyum tanda bahagia.

alhamdulillah. hanya itu bisa diungkapkan :) berpuasa bersama keluarga maklong dan makdah sudah cukup memadai , since mak dan ayah jauh dengan aku. alhamdulillah. terima kasih makdah bagi upah buat kuih. hey people. yeah. finally i know how to make buah melaka. at least i got benefit of what i am do. senang je. just mix tepung pulut then sedikit tepung jagung. lpas tu just taruk gula merah dalamnye then rebus lpas tu taruk kelapa. hee. then mkan. hee:) today class 1.50 pm. thanks gemuk borrow me your car. heehee:) harini sudah hari ketiga umat islam berpuasa. sungguh tak sabar menanti detik raya . ye, itulah seruan umat manusia hari ke hari. hemm, rasenya smpai sini aje coretan utk kali ini. semoga bertemu lagi:) selamt berpuasa ya!

Thursday 19 July 2012

assalamualaikum and selamat tengah hari, hey people. i'm still alive and thank you stalker ! nah ni coretan baru tuk awak. btw, aku dah cukup bahagia . i have people who always love me. thank you. 3 of my sayang, parents, boyfie, lil momok and sister! that is enough for me! i don't need someone else in order to make me happy. heem. hey folks, i'm semester 4 already. whoaaa. and now i know i'm too exhausted with my life journey. class till night and this upcoming saturday umat islam will celebrate ramadhan.. which bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan. and as usual. a lot of assgnments is waiting for me and my friends. since dah jadi student sejak 2 tahun lepas. takde lagi berbuka puasa bersama mak ayah bersama hari2. and i miss that time when tiba ramadhan, we too far mak ayah and as usual i never forget to miss both of u. because you are the one who make myself and decorate myself to be a perfect girl!thank you.