Thursday, 15 December 2011

happy anniversary my dear..

surely he is sleeping now.but it's never too late if i want to say i love u my dear n happy 2 years anniversary.. hee, even aku tlah berjaya jadi diri aku yang sebenar tapi aku masih ada prasaan sayang itu.dan aku masih dengan keegoaan diri aku..but i have my right to do that.aku tak suke dipaksa n i dun really care if i dun have boyfriend in my life.because i believe with my self that i can struggle my life without man..about 2 weeks we will end the year of 2011.and then 2012 be the new year where people start to make changes in themselves..tapi aku pule menipu if i say i have no changes in my life..tapi aku tak tau sama ade aku boleh ataupun tidak. kadang2 aku lemah,but i try to find where is my weakness so that i can make the things right.btw, karangan mnjadi aku kne akhrkan karangan merapu ni..have a wonderful friday folks.!!

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